Understanding Diabetes and Vision Loss


There are many complications that can arise from uncontrolled diabetes. Amputations, coma, nerve damage, etc. are all diabetes related complications. One of the most feared complications is blindness due to diabetes. It is a fact that 60 percent of blindness in the US is caused by diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin production or just a lack or cellular response to insulin. The cells need to absorb the glucose in the blood so that it can be used as energy by the various internal organs. If this does not happen, the blood sugar levels will be too high and insulin injections will be required.

In most cases, diabetes can be effectively controlled if the person suffering from it takes an active effort to regulate their diet and eliminate bad habits. The problem arises when they just ignore diabetes and think that it will go away.

Once diabetes runs amok in your system, your blood sugar levels will be fluctuating wildly and it is a matter of time before you might lose your vision. This damage will be irreversible. Prevention is better than cure and this holds especially true for diabetes. Even if you can’t prevent it, you sure can keep it in check.

One of the most common forms of vision impairment related to diabetes is vision fluctuation. Unlike normal people who may be near or far sighted, diabetes sufferers may experience both near-sightedness and far-sightedness at different times on different days. The reason for this is that the fluctuating blood sugar levels impact the crystalline lens in the eyes causing them to change shape.

Diabetic retinopathy is another vision problem that may occur. Leaks in the tiny ocular blood vessels or vascular blockage that occurs in the retina will partially or fully obstruct vision.

Another complication that makes many people panic is macular edema. This is when the person’s vision gets blurry and they are unable to focus. This is a result or the tissue in the center of the retina swelling up causing visual diffusion. As the complication progresses, the swelling will compress the ocular blood vessels which will slowly get destroyed. Eyesight will deteriorate to the point where sharp vision is lost.

There are also other vision problems that may occur. Cataracts are pretty common in people with diabetes. Glaucoma is another common condition which occurs due to abnormal vascular growths in the ocular region. Double vision is another problem that may rear its ugly head.

All these problems may sound scary and indeed they are. However, most people suffering need never worry about losing their vision if they were more careful and proactive about their condition.

If you have diabetes, consult your doctor on a regular basis. Monitor your blood sugar levels. Lead a wholesome and healthy lifestyle. Adopt a diet that is suitable for people who have diabetes. Exercise like your life depended on it, because it does.

Make small changes for the better daily. Over time, your habits will be good and you will be able to control your diabetes holistically. It may follow you for a lifetime but it will always be like an enemy watching from afar that can’t come close because your guard is up. You can control diabetes. Never doubt that.